Ask ReproJobs: I was offered a bonus, and then COVID-19 hit

Dear ReproJobs,

I negotiated a bonus late last year during salary negotiations and was promised (by contract) to get it by April. However, COVID-19 happened and I have not received it yet. Is it appropriate to ask my organization about it? We seem to be financially secure as there have been no layoffs or pay cuts, etc. If it’s appropriate, what's the best way to approach it during this sensitive time?

— Bonus on the Back Burner

Dear Bonus on the Back Burner,

Congratulations on negotiating a bonus for yourself! That’s huge. It’s also good to hear that your bonus was promised to you by contract—getting it in writing is key. Yes, the pandemic has posed a lot of economic challenges for workers and organizations alike, and your bonus—which was budgeted for—is still yours. They agreed to it and they should honor that agreement. You should not have been left without knowing the next steps in the process. You should bring it up during your next check-in with your boss. You can acknowledge the delicateness of the moment, and also point out that you’d like to know what is happening next in the process. You may want to have your written contract and notes from the conversation when the bonus was discussed in case you need to refresh your boss’s memory. It may be scary, but you were promised a bonus. That's not up for debate. And your employer owes you an answer.

— ReproJobs