What's it like working in reproductive health, rights, and justice?

We asked the ReproJobs community what policies might make your reproductive health, rights, and justice workplace better. Here’s what over 220 of you said.

You want:

  • Comprehensive benefits, like unlimited sick leave, paid sabbaticals, 100% health insurance coverage, transportation and childcare stipends

  • Equitable policies: longer paid leave, more flexible travel policies, a four day work week, fair pay with regular raises, clear and actionable harassment policies, remote-friendly work, flexible work hours, policies for reporting poor management behavior without fear of retaliation, guaranteed gender-neutral bathroom access, religious holiday observances for minorities

  • Clear management practices: alignment on job roles and goals, structured and regular performance reviews, a pipeline for growth, consistent and frequent management training

  • Reforming hiring and retention practices so that they address bias, racial equity, and queer and trans inclusion

  • Transforming workplace cultures to prioritize mentorship, engage mediators for workplace conflict, address burnout (especially among staff of color), and regular discussion of how the organization’s values are incorporated into every facet of the organization

We asked the ReproJobs community what policies you love in your reproductive health, rights, and justice workplaces. Here’s what over 220 of you said:

You love:

  • Unions!

  • Policies like being able to work from home, take mental health days, and paid internships

  • Family-friendly policies like flexible hours, protection for pregnant workers, childcare stipends, providing breastfeeding accommodations, and parental leave (anywhere from 4 weeks to 6 months)

  • Race-based affinity groups

  • Salary transparency and fair pay

  • Work/life boundaries like no calls or emails on weekends, Friday summer hours, and exercise breaks throughout the workday